What makes eyelid surgery so popular?

Eyelid surgery also known as Blepharoplasty under which extra skin or fat tissues from the upper and lower eyelids of the eyes are removed. Aging results in saggy and loose skin around upper eyelids leading to covering the major portion of the eye. Due to this, there can be issues of blocked vision. There is no restriction on the age for this surgery until you are an adult.
To perform eyelid surgery, firstly anesthesia local or general is given to the patient. After this, incisions are used to make cuts around the upper and lower eyelids. In the case of upper eyelids, cut is made along the natural creases to avoid visible scarring. Excess skin under lower eyelids is removed from their inner part. After required skin tissues’ removal, incisions are closed with the help of stitches.
Why Eyelid Surgery Remains One of the Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures?
1. Offers Better Vision
After a certain age, skin around upper eyelids become loose and droopy blocking the peripheral vision. With the help of eyelid surgery, one can get a proper vision after removing this loose skin around the eyes. So, this can be one of the prominent reasons for the popularity of this surgery among people.
2. Makes You Look Younger
Many men and women face the issue that Saggy skin around the eyelids makes them look older than they are. This gives an older and sad appearance to their eyes. This issue can be fixed with the help of eyelid surgery as with this, one can have a younger appearance.
3. Increase One’s Self Confidence
Eyes are proven to be the center of attention in our face. Having extra skin around eyes makes one feel conscious of their appearance and sometimes restricts themselves from social activities. But you can not do that forever and you need a permanent solution. With the help of enhanced look of the eyelids, you become able to get your self confidence back.
4. Enhances Quality of Life
Blepharoplasty has been proven useful in improving the quality of life of many patients. By improving the whole facial appearance, clear vision, boost in self confidence, one gets a positive impact in their life.
5. Speedy Recovery
Eyelid surgery includes fast recovery as sometimes patients start recovering in just 2 weeks. In a few periods of time, you become able to continue with your regular routine, workout sessions and office work with following some instructions given by the surgeon.
6. Long Lasting Outcomes
You enjoy the results of eyelid surgery for many years although post surgery care is very important for long lasting results. So, the benefit of long lasting results of eyelid surgery becomes a factor of contention for the one who is suffering from saggy and droopy eyes and bags under eyes which are creating a lot of physical and emotional issues for them.
7. Suitable For Both Men & Women :- Some assume eyelid surgery is for only women or for only men, which is totally a myth. We understand your confusion as major candidates for this surgery are women. But anyone irrespective of gender, can get eyelid surgery done. Only requirement of having this surgery is having extra skin and fats around the eyes which need to be removed.
8. Even Makeup Application :- Eye bags, loose and saggy skin around your eyes make your makeup look uneven and ineffective. This issue is mostly faced by most of the women. Eyelid surgery leads to smoother and even application of makeup in eyes making it look more effective than before.
9. Ensures Symmetry :- Eyelid Surgery improves facial symmetry by getting rid of the excess skin around eyes that make your appearance look uneven and asymmetrical. Asymmetry can disrupt the whole appearance of the face and make it look unattractive.
10. Less Visibility Of Scars :- Due to use of incisions along the upper eyelid’s natural crease, and in the inner part of lower eyelids, scars almost look invisible. So, minimal scarring is there in eyelid surgery. This is also one of the prominent reasons of eyelid surgery being popular these days among many people.
11. Reduces Headache :- Excess skin around eyes can put stress on your eyes. Eyes being delicart part of our body, can get affected this way and might result in headaches. Eyelid surgery helps you to get these issues away.
12. Provides Better Sleep :- Sleep is the basic need of the body for proper functioning of the body and better rest. Eyelid Surgery results in providing better sleep to the one who is getting it as droopy eyes can cause a lot of discomfort and sleeping issues.
Eyes are the most noticeable part of your face that gives your first impression. Everyone wants their eyes to look attractive. So this surgery includes a large number of candidates for aesthetic and medical reasons. It can improve your peripheral vision, your appearance and any kind of asymmetry regarding shape. If you want to discuss your queries and are eager to know how it can improve your facial appearance, book an appointment with our surgeon anytime in your city.