Risk factors post Blepharoplasty and how to treat them

Under Blepharoplasty Surgery, the excess skin tissues from the upper and the lower eyelids are removed with the help of the incisions. Under upper eyelids surgery, a cut is made along the natural crease, so that even if there will be scarring, it won’t be visible. For removing the excess skin through the lower eyelids, removal from the inner part is done. It takes between one hour to two hours for this surgery to get completed. This surgery is also known as Eyelid Surgery. It takes 2-3 months for the full recovery from this surgery, within 3 – 4 weeks you can resume your office work and physical activities.
Common Complications In Blepharoplasty Surgery And Their Solutions
Every surgery involves some risks and complications which can be avoided with taking some precautions and taking their well care of. We are going to discuss the complications of Blepharoplasty Surgery below with their solutions to it so that you will be aware of.
Complication 1 :- Visible Scarring
Solution :- Scarring around the treated area is very common after having surgery. Under Eyelid Surgery, if you are having scarring around your eyelids which are easily visible, then you can use some certain creams which are helpful for making the scars fade, you can massage around the area having scars. Another solution is to get the treatment for removing scars under the guidance of the surgeon which is recommended after one year of the surgery.
Complication 2 :- Risk Of Infection
Solution :- Although every precaution is taken during the surgery to avoid risk of any kind of infection, still the risk of having it is always there. To avoid infection, you must wet the area around the treated part, and maintain hygiene by cleaning it again and again. Infection named Orbital Cellulitis which affects the soft tissue of the eye socket can be controlled by the surgeon after using some preventive methods.
Complication 3 :- Swelling And Bruising
Solution :- Swelling And some bruising can be there around the eyelids during the process of recovering the eyes. You can use some creams for swelling. Having soreness or swelling is nothing dangerous as it is very common. Within two to three weeks after the surgery, it goes away.
Complication 4 :- Dry Eyes
Solution :- It is very usual to have dry eyes after having eyelid Surgery, nothing to worry under this complication as it is very easy to handle it. You can use some eye drops like Restasis or whichever is recommended by your surgeon to keep your eyes wet. Some gels or oils can also be used to get rid of the dryness of the eyes after the surgery.
Complication 5 :- Blepharoptosis
Solution :- Blepharoptosis is a condition that can be caused during the Upper Eyelid Surgery , due to excess loose skin around the upper eyelid than usual, unsuitable anesthesia or any injury caused. When this condition is caused , it can spread up to 2 mm around the cornea. To avoid this the surgeon should be careful before using the anesthesia.
Complication 6 :- Being Unable to Close the Eyes
Solution :- Under this complication, you feel the inability to open and close the eyes normally, or they feel unable to close the eyes fully. As it is not dangerous in any way and very common to have after surgery, you can get rid of this complication with time and it will recover by itself. But if you are having too much discomfort from this , you can use some Lubricating drops or ointments to recover from it quickly.
Complication 7 :- Asymmetry OR Having Round Eyes
Solution :- Asymmetry in the eyes’s shape and size is found in almost every person. From the eyelid surgery patients desire to have symmetry. But in some cases, the asymmetry is not visible right after the surgery for which you can have some patience, as sometimes one eye takes much more time than other to recover, due to which asymmetry is seen there.
Due to Swelling or Bruising , the eyes look round shaped, usually done during the lower eyelids surgery. With healing and recovery, the swelling also heals, and the eyes look normal. If not healed within a few months, you can go for the revised or corrective surgery while discussing your issue with the surgeon.
Complication 8 :- Temporary Vision Issues
Solution :- There can be a complication of having blurry vision for a few days or being too sensitive to the light after the eyelid surgery. But it does not mean that there is any harm to your vision. Using some drops and cleaning your eyes can make this issue go away.
Having complications after the surgery is normal, what’s important is to take care of your incisions and treated parts well. Infections, swelling and other symptoms can be reduced to minimum by care and proper medication. Make sure you are not skipping your post surgery doctor appointments and are following the instructions of your doctor diligently. If you are facing any kind of trouble then book an appointment with our surgeons anytime and discuss all your issues and dilemmas during consultation.